Do you find that you sometimes behave in a way that you would love to stop but don’t how or even why you do it in the first place, then email me.
You may even find that you have a burning question about personal development … then let me help you.
Email me your questions and I will upload your answers to the web site as soon as possible
ASK Marion replies are of course short pointers to start a conversation within yourself, not an exhaustive discussion of the issue.
If you struggle with the same or a similiar life issue and would like to have a deeper conversation please get in touch with me. Don’t sit on it. I can help.
Why do I always attract men that use me and abuse me?
- You are giving out the same energy over and over again.
- It’s like having a post-it note on your head that says “If you want to use me and abuse me, I’m your girl. My boundaries are non existent”
- You have rogue beliefs around fear of abandonment and rejection. As well as not good enough.
- You aren’t listening to the small voice inside of you that speaks the truth moment by moment.
The way forward;
- Get really honest with yourself, listen to your truth
- Start requiring more for yourself, you deserve it.
- Most importantly, start learning to love yourself and then the magic happens.
If you have a question about how to navigate particular life issues, then email me askmarion@theinnerwisdpomcoach.com
and if it is something I can help you with I will upload a video to my web site, my Facebook group “The Inner Wisdom
Coach and my YouTube channel of the same name.
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